I'm going to give that jogging coach person an honest answer when he asks me, "So, how'd it go today?" So far i've contented myself with simply lifting my hands in exasperation and focusing on the positive, such as "I'm still breathing."
Envisualizing this situation is the one of the ways i try to stay focused. My favourite responses so far...
"I can imagine few forms of exercise as agonizing, as humiliating, and as pointless as jogging."
"Why do you ask that question? How can any activity known by such an unpleasant name as 'jogging' ever have gone well?"
"Look at me. I'm limping. I'm gasping for breath. My face is flushed. I believe my expression must reflect at least a portion of my nausea and my absolute loathing of this activity. There are few circumstances where
i would consider this state of being to be positive, although it is probable that your ideas of good are considerably different than mine."
"I have no pretense or desire towards athleticism. I have always disliked running. In fact, for the last five years i have been unable to run. However, i now no longer dislike running. I loathe and despise and detest and am revolted at the thought of running."
"I suspect that your motivation in asking that question is similar to the motivation of those who pull the legs off spiders. Please, i beg of you, allow me to wallow in my disgrace on my own - truly, i require no assistance."
Feel the burn!
ReplyDeleteI'd rather not, if it's all the same to you.
ReplyDeleteI think the last of your proposed comments the most suitable.
ReplyDeleteBless you -- I'll pit my utter loathing of running and jogging against yours any old day! I grew up having to run in heat; running in a cooler place is at least bearable. How about swimmming instead?
ReplyDeleteAs for the burn, I'll go for yoga myself. Or a good long walk.
Walking i can do. In fact, i do - i walk for miles. Swimming would require wearing a bathing suit, which would require i buy one, which would require shopping for one... which would still be better than jogging, now that i come to think of it.