24 February, 2008

Church - what is it good for?

coming soon! ish! in the meantime, the answer to life, the universe, and everything is 42. ummm... yeah. it is finished!! for real! here is part i (and the second half follows tomorrow)


  1. While we may know the answer, however, we do not yet know the question. A cosmic game of Jeopardy! And we the contestants!

  2. Don't you wonder what Alex is thinking?

  3. I think Alex is thinking what most game show and reality show hosts think, which is one of several thoughts at any given time: "Wow, people, it's just a game! You don't have to be THAT into it!"; "Aren't we stupid?"; "Why did you think you should be here?"; "Hm, I'm pretty impressed you knew that"; and finally, for Alex specifically "Come on, EVERYONE knows this one. If I were the contestant, I would be on top!"

  4. I wonder how Alex would do...
