05 May, 2008


this is to give you something to look at while i am pretending to work:


i am related to this person...
(that's a baby shirt he used to actually wear. we found it in the rag bin and decided to see if it would still fit him. it seemed like a good idea at the time.)
and this person...
(see his muscles!! that's a blade in his hand, in case you can't tell. and he's wearing a pirate necklace with a matching earring. i somehow don't think many pirates wear socks, but oh well.)

and this person...

(do you know, he actually asks for ties at Christmas? and has since he was eleven? i love this kid. even though he's way cuter than me. he has to fend off the girls with a stick.)

awww... isn't he adorable?

and always remember, there's no wrong way to eat a Reese's


  1. He is so going to kill you when he finds out... :-)

    Interestingly, almost all the photos are in front of book shelves. Why would that be? Hmmmm.

  2. are there any walls in our house without bookshelves?

    ... the bathrooms, i suppose. but there are baskets.

  3. it is a real knife that I am holding. I fend off girls not "of girls." By the way, I will only make your life miserable so you will wish you were dead, I won't kill you.

  4. awww, that's so sweet of you.

  5. Blaffende honden bijten niet!

  6. Now, I've seen Reese's peanut butter cups eaten all sorts of ways, but that is a first. Tell your wee relative that you freeze them first, then gently nibble off the frilled edge of the chocolate. After that, you can eat the rest any way you like. He'll probably just ignore you, though.

  7. I'm guessing those are your brothers...? Still on speaking terms?

  8. mongrel - :o) ja, maar doen echt snoezige hondsen?

    MW - i'll tell him, but you're right. Anyway, i don't think he coudl wait long enough to let them freeze - chocolate doesn't last long in our house (unless mom or i hide it).

    Actually, that's only one of my brothers. And if he stopped speaking to me, i wouldn't make him any more chocolate chip cookies, so i'm not too worried.

  9. I am going to get a reese's and try that, mary witzl your a genius.

    I am never off speaking terms with you Dana. That is not because you make cookies. I could make my own. However, I need to make your life miserable. It is a lot easier to do that while talking to you.

    By the way, I won the gen... (and so on and so forth)

  10. Dude, child, whatever happened to you're grammer? (you, btw, are not allowed to remark on the typo i made in the previous comment)

    Can you make caramel fudge brownies? Turtle cake? Snickers pie? Iced coffee? I didn't think so.

    As per gender sweepstakes, that, oh adorable one, was a low blow and entirely ungentlemanly.

  11. Ik kan me bijna niet voor stellen dat er behalve een incidentele Cocker Spaniel snoezige honden op deze aardbol voorradig zijn.
    Misschien is het aan te raden je broertje voor een aantal weken naar een Glen Mills school te sturen.
