So, my boss at GSRing is a guy named Ron. Fifties, mebbe? People don't like him, and i'm not really sure why. He's not really friendly, or anything, and often sounds really annoyed. But in practice he has been very generous to me, making sure i have some one to help me, walking me through things several times - i mean, the fact that i still have the job... But a couple of times my other boss has asked me about him, if i think he's mean or a creep. And so have a couple other people. He seems to have a dry sense of humour, but i don't think that can be it entirely. I believe ppl simply take him too seriously. But anyone who can put up with my stupidity and not fire me can't be a complete creep... dunno. I mean, i'm the one that's usually frightened by people, and here's a guy that intimidates everyone else, and i think he's rather nice. Weird. He used to work for the Coast Guard, and hands out lollipops. His new haircut makes his ears stick out and in spite of his height, beard, and grey hair looks like a little boy
And then there's Ruth, the lead at the Lighthouse. Late fifties? She's just as reserved as Ron, but has a very friendly exterior. Loves dogs - raises greyhounds. More than one person has commented about how obsessed she is with her dogs, and how weird it is to hear her talk about bitches. Don't see why - just b/c she prefers greyhounds to popular culture and politics... Anyway, i've always found her very interesting. She almost bought a dog named Ella, after Fitzgerald, (the puppy she did buy, a brindle, is Billy, after Holiday, and was flown in tonight if all went well) and we also share aging dog stories. Her husband Art works at mill creek, and her son Vince is building them a new deck. Paints an inch think, manicures, highlights, whole nine yards.
Rose is one of the assistant leads. Generally friendly, and resents having to tuck in her shirt. Been here for a coupla years. 5-6 kids, some grandkids. I believe one of her sons is Coast Guard.
Peggy is another assistant lead. A very jolly sort of person; reminds one of the stereotypical physical education instructor.
Eloise is a housing director here. She is taking classes at a (relatively) nearby city, and also GSR's for money. She has been married once or twice, and i believe has a son that lives in Colorado. She thinks that it's disgusting the way ppl dress up their daughters these days, and agrees that romance isn't all it's cracked up to be. A bit of a nomad, she is planning on returning to Eastern Europe once she is done getting this degree (it's in business/marketing field, as i remember - she had to take an accounting class and she hated it). Gives the impression of being continually flustered, and has a rather unflattering hair cut, although a distinctive (slavic looking) face which could be beautiful. No makeup.
John is a nice enough kid - gamer type - who i think might have been trying to start a longterm dating relationship. According to gossip, he tries to date anyone who isn't outright rude to him, no matter if he or she is already involved in a relationship, and can become quite stalkerish.
Helen is a pretty blue-eyed blonde. Married, with two young daughters (2 and 4, i believe). She grew up here, went to school in Minnesota, i believe. Has recently been living in Wyoming, where her husband was (is?) editor of a magazine. They are in the process of moving to Wisconsin (which she pronounces wes-consin) this summer. She is living with her sister at the moment, and i believe her husband is in Wisconsin looking for a place to live. Like my mom, she eschews (is that the right word? i think maybe it's the antonym of the word i want, and i don't even know if i spelt it right, but whatev) ownership and hopes to rent an apartment. She got her degree in some sort of developmental psych. Though she grew up Catholic, her husband didn't and so now they are both Methodists (which was, i gather, a sort of middle ground). She is hoping to get a job in the church involving children's education.
Mike has a girlfriend in the nearest "city" with a Walmart, whom he fought with over Fourth of July weekend. It's her birthday this weekend, and he doesn't know what to get her. The type of person you can say practically anything to, as long as you don't take anything too seriously.
I haven't actually ever worked with Louise, but she's always around. A little old lady, reminds me a little of Murgatroyd from A
Murder is Announced.
Beth is amazingly ugly. However, she has a boyfriend, and her future expectations revolve around four children she's going to have, the German Sheperd she's going to get for each of them, and the land they will be living on. She is also making a list of every lighthouse in the United Atates, and enjoys reading Michigan ghost stories. She's picked out her wedding dress, and has already started buying clothes for her children (though she doesn't plan on getting pregnant for another four years).
My dad thinks this needs a conclusion/wrap-up of some kind. I think it's just a list, albeit (i hope) an interesting list - there's no narrative. Although i suppose i could put one in. What do you think?
I think that Marshymallow is one hell of a good listener -- that's what I think.
ReplyDeleteAnd no slouch in the writing department either, for that matter.
ReplyDeleteThanks - one does one's best...
ReplyDeleteI like conclusions, OK? But I did say the post had a Chekovian flare - kind of like The Cherry Orchard, which sort of takes a slice of life and, since the story of life never really ends, it just stops - and that it could be just me. In fact, it probably is.
ReplyDeleteIt's sweet of you to mention me and Chekov in the same breath, really.
ReplyDeleteConclude with a description of yourself in this "entirely subjective" piece?
ReplyDeleteWhat's with the scare quotes?
ReplyDeleteDunno - it's always so difficult to write about one's self... you think like this?
"And then there's a girl with ridiculously frizzy hair - about twenty? She is from Nowhere, and only works on weekends as she has an internship for a library or something. Nice enough, though dull, and is studying something completely stupid downstate - History? English? An odd mixture of deference and defiance."